Jade Hardy

Jade Hardy is a New Zealand mixed media artist who specialises in Earth-core metal jewellery, sculptor, visceral contemporary, abstracts and illusionism art.

Jade’s background is in health science, rehab therapy, media design, and photography.  Each piece Jade designs is unique to the commissioner or viewer. As her works, across all mediums, are created to test what we know of our biopsychology. Making his work incredibly visceral, complex and brain tickling.

Jade set out to studying an Honours in Industrial Design with a minor in public relations in 2014. Went on to studying Laboratory Technology, Rehabilitation Sports Massage Therapy, and Quality Assurance systems over the years of her life.

As you can imagine, these professions provide potential when incorporated into creative concepts.

Jades’ paintings have influences from Charlie Iso, Salvador Dali, fashion textiles, Arabic typography, and she dabbles with challenging colour theories.  

Her jewellery has strong organic and industrial punk fashion influences. While her sculptures are delicate subjects made with robust material.

Jade, challenging herself for this next decade, to provide New Zealand with stimulating works that help look into ourselves in a profoundly delightful way. Hence, her jewellery business being named Studio1DAM (1 delightful art maker).

Jade is our Receptionist and QAS sidekick.

Social media and other promotional channels 





